– Membership Renewal –

After your child is registered with The Studio Dance & Theatre academy each term they will be automatically enrolled for the following term, unless you provide us with notice in writing/email to discontinue. We ask for two weeks’ notice before the start of a new term. Failure to provide this notice will result in you being charged for the following term.

– Social Media –

The Studio may use pictures of students on social media (Facebook and Instagram), this is our default position and is utilised for general marketing purposes. A parent/carer can opt out of this by ticking the relevant box on the registration form, and/or by speaking with the Principal. Any pictures taken by staff members will be done so by prior permission, both from the parent/carer on the registration form and by verbal consent with the student at the time; we will also endeavour to speak with relevant parents/carers at the time. These pictures will only be used as teaching aids or for marketing purposes officially through The Studio and will be deleted immediately after use. No staff member will keep photographs of students on their phones. Official The Studio social media sites that are public, are open to all students and parent/carers.